Qatar diplomatic issues to probably impact polymer delivery say sources.

HDPE, LLDPE and LDPE shipments from Qatar will be affected, As part of the decision taken by the UAE to break Off all the diplomatic relationship with Qatar, vessels flying flags of Qatar or vessels destined to or arrival from Qatar ports are not allowed to call port of Fujairah and Fujairah offshore anchorage regardless their nature of call till further notice.

Yesterday major gulf countries Saudi Arabia , UAE & Bahrian announced diplomatic cutoff of relations with Qatar.
All maritime and air traffic included in cutoff which will result in a flight from Doha to London upto 11 hrs instead of the current 6 hrs. Such trouble will impact polymer delivery from Qatar as the third largest natural gas reserves holder faces severe issues as a direct of the Saudi & UAE led diplomatic divorce. Libya & Egypt also followed suit and announced diplomatic cutoff with Qatar to worsen their troubles.

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